Moments Caught

Moments to Remember

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Trust. Such an easy word to say. Such a hard thing to build. I have found myself missing trust in my world recently. I use to have really good, trustworthy friends and now I have myself and two or three people that I trust. Trust...what a concept.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Life is a series of changes, this seems to be my theme for alot of thoughts and ideas recently. Every time I get comfortable or think to myself hey this is great something or someone says wait a second there and I find myself re-examining my life and the past. The past has been creeping up on me for awhile now and I hate having unresolved issues, I like to talk it out when something bothers me. Recently though I have found that the more that I talk the less that I understand. I miss people from my past and I wish that I could just talk to them like I did in the past.

I feel that I have been living in a fog that has cleared a little bit but I am waiting for it to reappear at any time. I just wish that life would be simple and that there was a pattern that we could all follow. I find that I want simple things in life, friends, a home, love.... but I am waiting for these things. Friendships that I have are shaped now by time and distance in so many respects that it is hard to find the time to really talk to my close friends. The ones that tell me the truth regardless of what I actually think.

I am ready for a change something that is different, new, and exciting. I may have started on that path I just wish I could see the stops that are coming.
