Moments Caught

Moments to Remember

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I am little happier today, seems that with the temperatures going down things are getting better or seem to be.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I am so tired and worried about my life that it is sad. I allowed myself to get too involved yet again in some things that were going on and now I am in that lovely depressed mood. Oh well that is the way of it tonight I suppose. I really wish that things would improve in my life and that I could be happy. I suppose that it will happen one day but I hate waiting for that day to come. I will try to be positive that is the best thing that I can do at the moment.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Which Harry Potter Character Are You?

You are part Harry. You're a loyal and courageous friend. You'd do anything to protect the people you love, especially if it'll get you a break from class for a little while.
You are part Hermione. You're a bookworm always in search of answers. When pressed, however, you can always be counted on to put away the books and help your friends.
Find Your Character @

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Where to planned vacation to Montana is cancelled at the last minute due to the others that were going with me. I kinda figured that would happen but it still makes me sad that I was not able to go. Instead of a vacation I am working and that is so much fun right now. I need to find somewhere to go and someone to go with me. I will eventually make it to the Western United States. Or maybe I will just go to Europe the next time I plan a vacation.

I went and watched Bourne Ultimatum and it was so good. I really enjoyed the movie I loved the others as well. You do have to watch the first two in order to understand the third. I went with some co-workers and a couple of them did not enjoy the movie at all.

After all the health issues that Mom has had this year and last I was praying that we were through them all but she has been feeling bad again, so keep her in your thoughts and prayers.