Moments Caught

Moments to Remember

Saturday, January 05, 2008

There are many experiences in life. We experience childhood, the teenage years, the college years, work, retirement, life and death. Throughout these experience we grow and change, sometimes we become introverted other times extroverted, but in the overall scheme of life we are ourselves. Through the good times and the bad I have always been able to hold onto a small part of myself, a part that I have shielded from others. I know that I am sometimes emotional and sometimes very random but I have always valued honesty and faith in my life. This past year I have had many low points and a few high points along the path. Low points are having the people that I trusted and respected turn on me for monetary gain. The continued health problems of my mother and others near to me, some have won the battle of regaining their health others have not.

As this New Year has begun I hope and pray that things improve. I know that friends of mine are facing health issues with family members and I pray everyday for you and yours. I hope that we all get good news and healthy reports. I wish all a Happy New Year and healthy and prosperous year.
