Moments Caught

Moments to Remember

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Friends and friendships are complex relationships that require understanding, patience, forgiviness, and sometimes turning the blind eye. I have had many friends throughout my life, from my best-friend in kindergarten to my current friends. Some of my friends have only been in my life fir a short period of time and I cherished that time and learned as much as possible from that person as I could. Some of my friends have been there through-out it all from the high points to the low points and they are still within reach if I need them and vice versa.

I believe that some people are meant to always be in your life and others are there for a short time to teach or direct your life in a certain way. Sometimes people appear for no other reason than to remind you of some past dream or direct you to a different future.

I value each person that I know and they provide different prespectives and opinions in my life. Friends are invaluable and need to be treasured, but in the same breath, some friendships are meant to end at certain times and we must trust in ourselves to realize this and to not hurt each other in the separation process. Listen to your own heart and it will guide you in what you need to know and how you should handle difficult situations.

To all my friends I cherish you and wish you well in this season and the next year!
