Moments Caught

Moments to Remember

Friday, December 23, 2005

Well it has been a long time since I blogged. This past year has been insane. I have worked and worked and then I have worked some more. I do enjoy my work most of the time so that is a positive. One of my best friends was married in September and I am happy for him and his new wife. My other best friend decided to go back to grad school and attempt to find a more paved path than the dirt path that he was currently riding on.

I am more settled into my life not feeling that I need to find something that is missing anymore. I believe that life will happen as it does and I can not rush. My three nephews are a joy and I am enjoying watching them grow. They are seven, two, and one. Though they all have birthdays in the March and April.

I hope that everyone is having fun this holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.